Book Excerpts
Frank Sinatra - Everyone has their own thing that they do here. It’s a different world here. No one is given a status that is less important than anybody else’s. No one has to sit around and wait for somebody in a suit to make the action happen. People have purposes and direction for their lives and their energy, which is the same thing as saying, for their love. When you work through all the murky stuff, all that’s left is a lot of love, and that love has all these different sparks. People follow those sparks, and that’s where we find our purpose, by following the sparks of spirit in the directions that draw us. It isn’t like I have a harem of ex-wives waiting on me—they all have their purposes, and we’re friends, all of us. There were some hurts to be ironed out, and that has been done. - Harmonics of the Heart - Chapter 61
John & George - We are on a mission, you see, to expand consciousness not only on earth but between earth and the rest of the universe. Earth has not reached a very high level of self-awareness of its place in the universe. The Hubble is sending back incredible photographs, but the sound of the universe is not only as spectacular, it is more moving to the human soul. The soul is a spark of One Source, and One Source is an all-encompassing symphony. -Harmonics of the Heart - Chapter 26
George - We want people to begin to really listen to each other. Listen with your whole being. Listen with your heart, with your liver, with your gut. Listen. Listen with everything that you have within you. Become more aware of when someone else’s chaotic sounds reach your sound field. Listen to the tenor of the chaos, and bring your focus, your consciousness, and your mind to your melody and how your melody might be opened up by the chaos rather than dragged down into it. Understand how that chaos echoes with some part of your own inner discordance and then bring to that understanding your desire to lift up out of the chaos with your own beautiful voice. -Harmonics of the Heart - Chapter 27
John - We have gone into the depths, George and I, and many others, of what the vibrations of the universe are. We have stated they may be perceived as sound. When you change from only seeing people, societies, and civilizations as visual images that are projected outward, and listen instead with your heartstrings to each person’s song, you will discover that the truest sound usually comes out of a dark and lonely soul space. - Harmonics of the Heart - Chapter 23
John - The point of a soul’s existence—whether we’re in a physical body or in many other dimensions—is to figure out within ourselves, what is our keynote? What do we harmonize with? How can we build a harmony of as many voices as are willing to join us in a way that every person expresses themselves in their own unique voice? -Harmonics of the Heart - Chapter 22